Thursday, March 13, 2025
Mobarakeh Steel Technology and Innovation Development Company (MSTID)

A sub-section of the University of Isfahan Innovation Zone, which has been allocated to the private sector, is the Mobarakeh Steel Technology and Innovation Development Company (MSTID). This center, with facilities such as conference halls, guesthouses, welfare services, personal development services, and university infrastructure including transportation, access to the university, internet, etc., has created a modern essence in the university’s scientific realm. With the committed participation of the private sector aligned with the University of Isfahan’s goals of converting knowledge into value, it takes a significant step towards a hopeful entrepreneurial future for the university.

The main objective of hosting this company at the university is to provide extensive financial support for major agreed-upon trends aligned with the missions of the University of Isfahan’s faculties. In this regard, industrial research projects will be defined, and financial support for theses will be provided as well. Joint investment in innovative ideas is another agreed-upon mission to meet the real needs of the country’s steel industries. Accordingly, joint laboratories will be equipped and utilized. This complex will be responsible for establishing connections between faculties and the steel company.

The general framework of this complex’s research grants is as follows:

- Industrial tours

- Support for theses

- Allocation of funds for industrial study opportunities

- Scholarships for graduate students

- Support for university laboratories

- Support for international study opportunities

Isfahan University
International Scientific
Cooperation Office
University of Isfahan
University St., Isfahan
81746-73441, Iran
Tel: +98 313 793 2039-40
Fax: +98 313 668 2910
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