Thursday, March 13, 2025
Center of Industry Relations

One of the most important institutions for understanding and recognizing scientific development, as well as empowering and training a skilled workforce tailored to the needs of society, is the university. It must redefine its goals and mission in line with global changes, the discourse of science and technology, and the transition to a knowledge-based economy.

Despite the existence of various fields and specializations in universities and the increasing specialization of job requirements in organizations and industries, organizing and developing skill enhancement and empowerment courses for students, continuously tracking graduate employment, and establishing career guidance centers and specialized job placement services in universities can be significant steps towards reducing the gap between industry and academia and creating opportunities for higher education graduates to enter industrial, commercial, and job markets.

The “Career Guidance and Specialized Job Placement Center” is a scientific-executive center established in 2020 under the framework of the regulations of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology (MSRT) and as a subset of the Office of Industry and Society Relations at the University of Isfahan. This center closely collaborates with the university’s Vice-Presidencies for Research and Education and other relevant units, including the Office of Industry Relations, the Growth and Entrepreneurship Center, the Student Counseling Center, the Center for Open and Electronic Education, the Career Development Center, and other related entities both inside and outside the university to achieve its set goals.

Due to the numerous centers with career and entrepreneurship objectives at the university, a High Council for Employment Policy was established in November 2022, centered around the Career Guidance and Specialized Job Placement Center at the University of Isfahan. This council includes four additional centers (such as the Counseling and Lifestyle Center, recognized as a national hub for career counseling, the Career Development Center (CDC), the Center for Open and Electronic Education and Specialized Services, and the Innovation and Technology Zone at the University of Isfahan). Representatives from each vice-presidency (Student Affairs, Education, Research, Finance, and Legal Affairs) serve as ex officio members, along with one or more faculty members specializing in career fields and several talented students in this area as individual members. The council was formed to synergize, coordinate, and facilitate career and entrepreneurship activities, avoiding isolated and redundant efforts among the university’s career centers.


- Facilitate the process of employment, job placement, successful transition from university to the workplace, and skill training for students and graduates.

- Train specialized, skilled, and efficient human resources in line with the current and future needs of the job market, combining education, skills, and collaboration with economic enterprises to utilize their capacities.

- Establish continuous and reciprocal connections between the university and industries and organizations.

- Sign cooperation agreements with industries and organizations to expand the university’s relations with industry and society.

- Send students to visit organizations and industries and complete internships (Rahian-e-Pishraft (“Progress-Seekers”) tours).

- Implement internship and apprenticeship regulations.

Isfahan University
International Scientific
Cooperation Office
University of Isfahan
University St., Isfahan
81746-73441, Iran
Tel: +98 313 793 2039-40
Fax: +98 313 668 2910
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