Thursday, February 13, 2025

Why choose our Center?

Whether you have professional or academic goals, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, benefiting from almost 40 years of genuine experience in teaching Persian to non-Persian speakers does not sound like something you want to miss!
We will leave it up to you!
We are committed to being carefully, insightfully and consciously innovative and also respecting where individuals are in their unique educational contexts.
Our teachers are native Persian speakers, certified to teach Persian to non-Persian speakers and educated to degree level.
The overall average class size is 10 students. This allows you to learn much faster.
Our center has a sincere commitment to make sure that our students learn Persian in a comfortable and safe environment.
We use the most recent and effective teaching methods offered by highly qualified instructors.
Our teachers employ Persian songs, documentaries, and films to enrich students’ understanding of Persian culture and facilitate their learning.
By joining our center, you can learn Persian in the most beautiful and historical city in Iran, Isfahan, which is historically known as half of the world for its glory and magnificence. Small wonder that it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Iran and in the world!

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